Plougasnou chicory Tatin tart, ziste of citron, marinated shellfish
35 €
The freshness of brown crab with ribot milk (buttermilk) from « Pie Noir et Cie » farm
36 €
One sided-marinated red mullet, butternut, watercress from Kermen farm, buckwheat vinaigrette
38 €
The slice of Breton duck foie gras, pan-seared with torrefied sesames and quince condiment
39 €
Scallops from Brittany coasts, potato crémeux, mushroom extract
49 €
Blue lobster from Iroise sea, roasted with seaweed, einkorn risotto, carcass sauce with coral
72 €
The fishing from Brittany coasts, texture of sand-grown carrot, ginger and lemongrass coulis, tamarind condiment
46 €
The John Dory fillet from Roscoff with nettle, caramelized cauliflowers from « friend Christine »
52 €
Veal fillet from « Monts du Velay Forez » roasted in the pan, veal juice with brown butter, chestnut cream, melt salsifies and mushrooms from Monts d’Arrée
52 €
The squab of nest from Eneour farm, celery pasta with yellow wine, pigeon broth and giblets
59 €
Selection of Breton ripened cheeses from « friend Carine »
16 €
Like a reinette apple Tarte Tatin and dulce de leche, roasted apple sorbet
18 €
Guanaja chocolate crémeux, ginger and smoked chocolate ice cream
18 €
Like a bourdaloue tart with Rocha pears and seaweeds, pear sorbet
18 €
The baba with exotic flavours, pineapple diplomat cream, angelica sorbet