L'opportun menù, Paris
L'opportun Paris - Menu
Ravioles de Saint-Jean
French style ravioli with homemade "Fourme" blue cheese sauce
14 €
Véritable terrine de harengs
Homemade marinated herring filets, potatoes salad
12 €
Oeuf Meurette
Poached farm eggs in a homemade red wine sauce
12 €
Peaux de canard
Fried Duck skin glazed with Xeres vinegar served with salad and apples
18 €
Quenelle de brochet
Real Lyon cod fish soufflé oven cooked in homemade Nantua sauce
14 €
L'entrecôte de boeuf (400G)
400G rib steak served with homemade french fries
46 €
Pavé au poivre
Beef slab of steak crumbed with pepper, "flambé" with Brandy and cooked with cream
26 €
Saucisson Lyonnais
Authentic saussage from Lyon with pistachios, served with warm potatoes salad
20 €
BIG baba
Big rum baba, served with its bottle of homemade infused rum and homemade whipped cream
15 €
Saint marcellin de la Mère Richard
Soft French cheese (cow milk), creamy and mushroomy inside
10 €
Tartare d'ananas
Chopped pineapple with lime zest and ginger, served with ginger ice cream
10 €
Tarte fine aux pommes
Homemade thin apple pie with vanilla ice cream
12 €